Another painting Continue reading
People are everywhere.
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Photos that fit this definition, more or less Continue reading
A Collection of 2-Dimensional work in various media…
You step in the stream,
But the water has moved on.
No things are for sale.
Oak, steam bent, lathe turned, colored with essence of magic bean, and containing the secret of the next sunrise. Continue reading
A Collection of My Photographs…
I decided that it might be fun to replicate the Excelsior No.1 table entirely in wood. I did; it was.
This is a study of worn out impeller blades from an industrial shot blast machine. They’re cast from incredibly hard and abrasion resistant material. As hard as they are, though, the blades do wear out, resulting in some of the patterns captured here.
This stool was built spontaneously. No plans were made or referred to, and virtually nothing was measured.